This is timely for me as I have two good friends in our group of friends who have recently lost their partners. They cry a lot. The first one lost her husband over twelve months ago. Sometimes she comes out with us and is alright. Now at least she talks about him. The other only lost his wife in the last month. I find it hard to know what to say. I've lost my parents and a sister. It's never easy. There's no option but to go on. Remember the good times and think of the family you still have around you.

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Somehow life manages to pull us forward despite the losses. 💜

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Just always so real Bronnie. I Love it ❣‼️

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Loving thanks, Kit. 💜

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I love your perspective on life . Living in the present moment and appreciating what is here now.

Time is always a great healer and learning to truly accept ourselves as we are .. a life long journey .

Thank You Bronnie . I love reading your posts. Such insight and wisdom . Blessings and love your way 💚

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I'm grateful for your connection and the time shared through various online mediums. Your comments are always appreciated, Deirdre. 💜

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This really resonated with me. Because I was diagnosed with a disease, I have lost a lot of my self….my freedom, being able to drive, my independence and more. So I know how you feel. I admire that you keep doing everything you do and inspiring other people. It is an inspiration to me and an example to follow when I’m feeling down, angry and frustrated. I’ll think of you and be inspired.

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It’s terribly frustrating. It sounds like we are in the same way…it is really hard to keep spirits up when it feels like a down hill ride. I get angry and just have to “turn off” for a while and breathe. And let my brain just be blank. How do you handle it?

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I am committed to leaving enough space to live a gentle life. In the process of this, I've discovered so much wonder when living at a slower pace. I'd rather not have to have suffered this, but none of us get to avoid our biggest lessons which I always believe are given to us from a place of love to help us grow into our true potential. I wish you strength and gentleness. 💜

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Thank you so much for responding to my comments. I feel very honored. It feels good to be heard, especially by you. You have inspired me in so many ways with your insights and wisdom. I admire your strength and think of your words when I am having trouble or feeling sorry for myself.

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“We can’t get back a lot of things in life. That’s why it’s so important to try and live in the present time as much as possible.” - Thank you for this reminder. The reminder to live now, because the future isn’t guaranteed. I hope the universe opens and helps you with your love of music. 🎶🎵

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Life is a series of loss. I live with chronic pain and I am still grieving my former self. As we age we also have to grieve our youth and health as older women are often invisible. I lost all my friends to death even the love of my life .He was the only person left in my life. What an incredible loss! I will be glad when it's finally over.

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I'm sorry you feel this way. Despite all that suffering, life is still unfolding for you. And within life, there are still beautiful moments occurring. 💜

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Regarding your loss of the use of your wrists and hand/finger joints which had taken away from you your guitar-playing ability, I would like to offer you the inevitable possibility or better yet, inevitable success to have them healed as much as you are open to allowing yourself to receive it - your heart-desired reality of continuing composing songs on/with your guitar.

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Oh, I never lose hope of possibilities! I am trusting to where life guides my healing journey. 💜

(I just don't waste time or money anymore on people who claim they can heal me and there have been too many over the years!)

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I love that you never lose hope of possibilities, Bronnie 🙌. You are amazing! I was in awe of that video of you telling us and showed your steady improvements in gaining back your physical strength and able to be walking again and on top that swimming with your daughter.❣️ (I'm just now remembering this now and I think I'm remembering correctly that you also went in the water swimming with her) Your deep desires in life does eventually manifests (as you have shown already - and will continue to do so) as I know that this is truth for everyone too because I am also on my path of evolution of inner-healing to wholeness and limitless expansion in worthiness. I appreciate your reply💝.

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